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Deadworld: Requiem for the World

Deadworld rebooted in this ground breaking series which gives opportunity for new readers.


Reviews of Deadworld: Requiem for the World
“The writing in Deadworld is very sharp; from the very beginning we are captivated both by action and by character. Gary Reed does a good job with the voiceover throughout this book, and this is the way voiceover is supposed to be written: revealing character and information about the situation. “ ----IGN

“So far this is turning out to be an intriguing story and writer Gary Reed seems to be finding his stride here. His plotting is intricate and the one thing I am enjoying is how all the story beats neatly fall into place. ---Again, I can’t rave enough about this series.” --- Kenneth Gallant, Broken Frontier
“Gary Reed has certainly crafted a truly horrifying story, full of engaging characters, terrifying menaces and an overwhelming sense of hopelessness.” ----Paul Milligan, World’s Heavyweight Comics
“So many other "Dead"-type comics have fallen by the wayside because a weak story, or the weak telling of a good story, and I'm overjoyed to see this has not happened here.” ---Splatterhouse

“I don't care what other people say, Deadworld is the best zombie comic out there. All those others are imitators of Deadworld as that is the original zombie comic and just because this is a new series, I don't think people should forget that.”    ---Robert Henrion

The introduction of the classic horror series, Deadworld, to a new audience! Considered by many to be the original zombie comic, Deadworld ripped into the undead with intelligent zombies on a mission and the poor teens riding in a school bus desperately try to stay one step ahead of the sadistic, Harley-riding King Zombie. . Death, mayhem, and a touch of supernatural evil made Deadworld a classic and now here's your chance to get into the story!

This is a graphic novel compilation of the first six issues from Image Comics.  The rebirth of the Deadworld comic series with this storyline that reintroduces the world of teens fleeing in a bus, a crazed man who claims he opened the gates of evil, and the

Written by:
Gary Reed

Illustrated by:
Vince Locke and Dalibor Talajic.

Originally published by Image Comics in association with  Desperado Publishing.